Haunts & History in Salem

Haunts & History in Salem

June 14, 2021

By Giovanni Alabiso, Salem Historical Tours & Haunted Footsteps Ghost Tours

When I first started working in Salem, I didn’t realize that I would be totally drawn in by this incredible city.

I had heard about the 1692 Witchcraft Trials but I just never realized the incredible depth of history here.

And while I believe in ghosts and all sorts of phenomena, I never thought I would experience spooky occurrences on a regular basis. After three years of working for my boss, she was selling the company and I was buying. It has been a whirlwind of excitement.



My company, Salem Historical Tours & Haunted Footsteps Ghost Tours, does five tours a day from April through October and operates on weekends from November through March.  We do a 90-minute tour about the Witchcraft Trials that is simply fascinating. Another is about General History (American Revolution, Maritime Period, inventors, pop culture).

There is a midday ghost tour that is an hour version of our 90 minute Haunted Footsteps Ghost Tour. It discusses paranormal activity, accidental death and murder in Salem. It is amazing the creepy stuff that has happened here. The building we’re in is worthy of a tour stop because of the issues I, and others, have experienced.

I want to set up cameras and a DVR in the office so I can try and capture the weird things that happen. Then again, that may want to make me move. For now, there are ghost pictures on the website that are just amazing.


There is also a tour of the cemetery that is not open right now but we are hoping it will be open soon. My company made a movie right before the cemetery closed, discussing many of the headstones and the people there. Check it out at  https://tinyurl.com/y4ry54of.

I also hosted a talk show called Salem History & Beyond that discussed many aspects of the witchcraft trials as well as other subjects. I spoke with authors of many Witchcraft books as well as other creepy subjects.

I thoroughly enjoy being in Salem and love sharing our history with our guests. Come take a tour with us at www.SalemHistoricalTours.com!

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