Rising to a height of 170 feet, High Rock Tower is less than three-quarters of a mile from the ocean and commands unobstructed views of Boston, Nahant, and Swampscott.

Although local historians suggest that the hillB ‘s summit was used as a look-out point by Indians and early settlers, the siteB ‘s major fame dates from the mid-nineteenth century when High Rock and its porphyry outcroppings became appreciated for their B romanticB qualities.

High Rock Tower was unavailable to the public until 2002, when this great hidden resource was opened to the community. Tours at night are given to a variety of scout groups, church groups, civic groups, etc. to see nebulae, star clusters, the rings of Saturn, details of moon craters and many more aspects of the night sky. The telescope is a 12 inch Meade telescope, with a computerized tracking system that maps the entire night sky.

Please see our public viewing schedule at http://www.ci.lynn.ma.us/attractions_highrocktower.shtml and email Jmarsh@lynnma.gov to reserve a spot on one of these nights. We look forward to seeing you see the stars!